Happy Mutant Profile

Xeni Jardin

Website: http://www.xeni.net

Bio: Co-editor of boingboing.net, co-host/producer of Boing Boing tv.

Hey, it's our first BB 2.0 short links roundup post!

August 28, 2007 1:21pm

@joellevand: nah, the concept wasn't bad at all, just that Stevens is utterly incapable of articulating such ideas without sticking foot in mouth.

Mark's painting for upcoming Blab! art show

August 28, 2007 3:03pm

I love the new painting, Mark!

Welcome to the new Boing Boing!

August 28, 2007 9:00am

Hey everyone, thanks -- seriously -- for weighing in with your feedback here, both the praise and the criticism. We'll be mulling over all of this, and reworking the site in days/weeks to come. Your thoughts matter a lot to us.

I'm glad the general vibe seems to be that you like what we've tried to do here, though! A lot of people worked super hard to make this smarter/funner/easier/more crossplatform friendly thn before.

We still have kinks to work out, though, and we'll do our best to address those quickly.



December 18, 2007 12:00am

Please, no angry santas. The erroneous opening slate in this video has long since been corrected, folks! This media does not state that Santarchy is a protest of any sort -- was a short-lived production goof, and the entire team apologizes.

Chewbacca hands giant light saber to NASA, to carry into space

August 28, 2007 3:57pm

@anonymous: >

Ooooh, good question! I've asked Bonnie from Lucasfilm to weigh in.

Something familiar about cover of Rick Smolan's book

December 13, 2007 11:24am

I have no idea what you people are talking about.

This does not remind me of goats or any other mammalian member of the Bovidae family.

I was thinking that this reminded me of a big donut that several friends were sharing. Maybe glazed. Something yummy.

I can't believe you would bring up goats, they eat trash and they are disgusting creatures.

Mark's Motor/EcoNouveau Fashion

October 15, 2007 6:45pm

@mr.skeleton, thank you for respecting the plight of larvaepersons who, without us, have no voice. enough! let the murders end. stopsilkwormgenocide.com.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

No, B-Trom, that was the weirdest part. After a half a frickin hour, they were just like, "o, hai, nm u guys kthxbi." And as I said, I feel a little guilty for not having pressed for an explanation (I believe we were owed one!) but I really really needed to be home quickly and didn't have it in me for a fight at that moment. If I were, say, John Gilmore or Bruce Schneier and not a total pussy, I'd have done more.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

@Gregjsmith, I think the staff at LAX is just dumber and slower. I honestly wonder if this isn't just some kind of drill they do, periodically, and never tell the passengers what's up.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

Yeah, wow. Didn't realize this procedure was so common. I think what really felt so surreal here was the duration -- half an hour, man.

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

@Delaney, This isn't a debate over whether Radiohead should have released the album under a CC license, nor did I say they should have ONLY released digitally.

You're missing my argument.

The point is this: it would appear from statements made by band members and reps, and from the release itself that the digital product was released as an incomplete product at a lower quality than it could have been for the specific purpose of encouraging CD sales.

I believe this is lame.

Fans who prefer "just digital" should be offered an equivalent quality product if digital distribution is taken seriously. Again, this just proves that they're not taking digital distribution as seriously as they might have. Not that they're evil baby-rapists or frauds or that the music is bad.

And as for the torrents -- the CD isn't out yet, I wonder what the content of the torrents is? Probably the same 160 kbps material as one might download from radiohead's store, only without the fulfillment glitches some folks complained about, and no registration required. Not saying people *should* torrent, just observing, perhaps those were factors.

Long run, I believe the best way to stave off unauthorized digital distribution is to offer an equivalent quality digital product at a price the market will bear. This was not an equivalent quality product. We now know why.

Dave Hill is a very funny guy (videos)

November 16, 2007 3:22pm

It is "my goal in life to be pretty fucking sweet at everything there is to be pretty fucking sweet at."

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

@Delaney, none of this changes the artistic merit of the album. The business of art and the body of art are, and always will be, distinct. Related, yes, but distinct. They're two separate discussions.

I think we can very rationally and candidly critique business decisions while being shameless, drooling fans of the music itself (I sure am).

In Rainbows is a fucking awesome piece of work. I am no less of a fan of the music, even if I believe this release strategy was flawed.

Xeni on CNN International re: Apple's announcements

September 5, 2007 3:38pm

oooooh don't make me feed you!

(ok you're right.)

Part of Patriot Act struck down: ISPs must get court approval

September 6, 2007 3:35pm

Yurei: I believe we need a cat macro for the italicized portion of your comment there.

Extreme cuisine: So what does it feel like to eat live octopus?

September 6, 2007 10:24am

@complainers: half of us BB editors are vegan or veg, and the other half are kind of grossed out by the notion of eating sentient and still-squirming Cthulhu analogues, so don't worry -- we're not advocating live octopus ingestion as a lifestyle choice. But, like, we're totally cool with other people doing their thing, and posting video on the internet if they so choose.

Extreme cuisine: So what does it feel like to eat live octopus?

September 6, 2007 10:24am

I should clarify that I'm not speaking for all Boingdom here, but: I do think it's interesting to weigh the relative cruelty/suffering factor of chopping the octopus head off, then consuming the freshly killed body, compared to -- I dunno, one of those really large pig factory farms in which these very intelligent mammals are kept in unsanitary and crowded conditions, killed in a manner that might relaly freak you out, then we eat the meat many weeks or months later. I don't believe it's fair to condemn people (in this case, mostly Korean-American patrons) who eat critter-flesh that just happens to be a lot fresher than what most American consumers eat. Might be more distasteful to you, but maybe that's more of a cultural issue. I don't see where this is fundamentally all that different than picking up a package of lunchmeat at Safeway.

Part of Patriot Act struck down: ISPs must get court approval

September 6, 2007 3:35pm

What are you, a turrist?

Daniel Pinchbeck video

October 19, 2007 11:53am

BTW no disrespect to Mark there, at all. I can totally understand why reasonable folks find the broader array of Pinchbeck's ideas interesting or amusing. But the part of his schtick that co-opts what's left of tribal culture, and sloppily, inaccurately reinterprets it at a profit pisses me off.

Hurricane Katrina, 2 years on: portraits by Clayton James Cubitt

August 29, 2007 7:19pm


Hey, whoah there - I think if you read the whole piece or understood the backstory, you'd realize that this is way off base. I'm very sorry about your mom, and you certainly have a right to an opinion. But Clayton is a friend of mine, and I know also that he has deep roots to the community represented in these pictures. His family lost pretty much everything they had in Katrina, which wasn't much, and that place is his home.

I think the attempt here was to look at these people in a different way, just as some people fought hard over language: "survivors," not "victims."

Is placing the subject in front of a blank background for a portrait somehow less honest than photographing them in the midst of ruin? Bah, no. Any more than using a portrait lens, and focusing only on the face is any less honest than photographing wide angle, and capturing all the rubble. It's a different way of looking, and he's entitled to it, and I think the world is better for having the ability to see through that lens.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

Oh, you may think I'm a coward, but they didn't find that giant brick of heroin in my water bottle!

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

@aaronz, no, actually, we have followed up before -- to the point of actually meeting with TSA directors. I am in the process of pursuing this one, too.

Tracking down a plagiarized bio...

October 8, 2007 1:48pm

@vertigo25, in fact I did. You'll see the update trail in this post, also.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

@JAwasnack -- you are correct. I'm fumbling around for the url, but there was a slew of (largely ignored) news about this a few weeks back. New laws that basically mean we surrender a lot of rights after we enter the security screening area. If you refuse a screening, you're in deep shit, and once you've passed through (as I did, because I was landing), you've surrendered various rights.

iTunes: Boing Boing tv is a "best video podcast of 2007"

December 12, 2007 12:41pm

@Gareth Stack, are you saying you are unable to subscribe to BBtv through iTunes because you're using the Ireland Store?

@scooterzz, I win top 5 stupid speed errors of 2007 award! Gah, I know Alex Albrecht, and am familiar with Chris' work, and I goofed!

Xeni on CNN International re: Apple's announcements

September 5, 2007 3:38pm

> That's right. I get TWICE that much in blood money, or the equivalent number of freshly slaughtered babies, before I even roll outta bed.

If you saw the segment and felt I was anything less than honest, critical, or appropriately skeptical and questioning, feel free to weigh in and say something. But I doubt you did.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

UPDATE: I'm filing a FOIA request around the incident, with help from Ryan Singel at Wired News.

More on The Man who Burned The Man at Burning Man

August 30, 2007 11:00am

@Kevitivity, jeez that's so narrowminded of you. BM is also about naked WOMEN running around on bicycles. [scoffs].

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

UPDATE 2: Here's Ryan's blog post about this story, over at Wired News: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/08/reporter-caught.html.

Moment of TSA surrealist zen @ LAX: Xeni

August 29, 2007 6:07pm

@M: ["I'll hunt for that link if anyone is interested."] Sure, we're interested.

A compendium of excellent counterfeits

August 30, 2007 10:15am

@Melissa, that's awesome! Hey, if you ever spot a CHANNEL belt, I'll totally reimburse you....

Jobs and Gates: battle of the nerd god hunks sitting on their desks

August 30, 2007 10:24am

I wonder who the woman is in that framed B&W; photograph on Steve's desk there.

Post-Launch Clean Up, and Thanks

August 30, 2007 12:19pm

@Jemaleddin, thanks, it's a known bug and our legion of codemonkeys are workin' on it! Sorry.

Unicorn Chaser

October 7, 2007 7:03pm

When I say "shot," I mean with a camera, not a gun. Feel better.

How to board a plane without ID -- be a pageant queen

October 18, 2007 10:30am

Honestly I don't know what Gilmore is bitching about -- how hard is it for him to just go ahead and flash a little sash at the gate? Is that so much for a TSA agent to ask for?

Weird canned foods

October 18, 2007 10:08am


Coffee Hacks With Mark/Foxie Moxie

October 17, 2007 1:00pm

@cheeken you are correct! Our apologies, we should have made this clearer. Yes, this was shot at Copro Nason!

Daniel Pinchbeck video

October 19, 2007 11:53am

@okkoto, wasn't intending "munch" literally, I'm aware of how it's ingested.

The reason these guys cite "2012" and "2013" and refer to "the return of Quetzalcoatl" has everything to do with a new age misinterpretation of Mayan and Nahua cosmology. End of story, AFAIAC.

I'm totally with you on the broader notion that human beings have done a lot of damage to the world, and that we need to think very differently and act very differently now if we want to leave a good inheritance to our grandchildren (and the many other species that will inherit the planet).

New iPod Nano confirmed to be neither chocolate nor butter

September 7, 2007 12:36pm

@JeffreyT, yeah, that "bluetooth on the touch" rumor would have been sweet if true!

New iPod Nano confirmed to be neither chocolate nor butter

September 7, 2007 12:36pm

@Anon#3, thanks, yah, I already know about the adapters. But they stink! They're all clunky and complicate the elegance of such a small, simple device. Also, I suspect the iPhone might cause RF interference with these Bose headphones, adapter or no adapter.


Bush's alien overlord peeks through window during speech

September 7, 2007 3:43pm

@phasor3000: I love to sing-a! About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a!

New biopic on Joy Division, Ian Curtis: Control

August 31, 2007 9:17am

@American Scot: Oooh, darnit, I can't find that in our archives -- will look for url elsewhere!

Confessions of a College Callgirl

August 31, 2007 11:00am

@cavalier: mmmmmmaybe! [winks knowingly]

"Turkey Wrap": holiday geek crunk from BBtv.

November 21, 2007 12:00am

And happy thanksgiving to you, motherfcker!

French lady finds python in pee-pipes

October 16, 2007 12:18am

boy does it suck when you recall the police and they do nada want to dill with you.

Woman dies in security custody at airport

September 30, 2007 9:23am

Ah, also -- the law enforcement agency in question appears to be local police in Arizona, who operate at the airport. Not the TSA. But I'm not entirely clear on the facts yet, the NY Post article isn't too thorough.

Online Pujas/World's Most Polluted

October 8, 2007 1:00am

Hey, Brandon -- easy Quicktime links coming within a day or two.

KLF: Burn a Million Quid (video) and The Manual (e-book)

August 30, 2007 3:49pm

@Anonymous-es: Don't be silly. Pointing to an item of interest on our blog doesn't mean that we "endorse" that action, or think it's "cool," as you say here. That's pretty dumb. Besides, as others have pointed out, there's some evidence to support that the whole burning a million quid stunt was just that -- a prank that involved the destruction of decommissioned bank notes.

New biopic on Joy Division, Ian Curtis: Control

August 31, 2007 9:17am

@Chang that's so cool!

Web Zen: Music Viddy Zen

August 31, 2007 10:31am

@Anonymous, re "Jan Pehechaan Ho" -- yeah, actually i think the song, the audio, does appear in Ghost World as Sander says! But of course, it originated in Gumnaam as you rightly state. @cior, I agree!

Dave Hill is a very funny guy (videos)

November 16, 2007 3:22pm

@george57L well it's mostly a wink at Cory Doctorow, who coined the phrase! I am merely propogating its usage!

Man lives after chair leg penetrates eye socket and throat

September 26, 2007 9:13am

Wow. That last line, the victim's willingness to forgive, is perhaps as profound as the fact he survived with relatively minor injuries.

Giraffe-fight! video

September 27, 2007 3:09am

I'd like to see a double header with this and bumfights. better yet, bums vs. giraffes. (go giraffes!)

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

@TheCynic, @Cpt. Tim, I'm not sure what happened there -- maybe a moderator goof, not my doing. Please chill, though, and note that the phrase in question has now been posted here not once but several times with vowels intact -- so nobody's "censoring" you. Let's move back to the discussion at hand, which is more interesting, no?

Woman dies in security custody at airport

September 30, 2007 9:23am

@phasor3000, i don't know if that's rhetorical or directed at the post's author (me), but I'm not arguing a position here -- just noting the incident occurred. A woman died.

We've been following airport security news for some time here on BB, and this is a related story. I don't know enough about the case to make a judgement of my own, but that wasn't the point of the post.

Tanks-A-Lot/Mark's Vibrobot

October 19, 2007 12:00pm

@Hoopy Frood & Anonymous: Sorry it's taking a while, but yes, we hope to offer alternate formats ASAP! We really are working on it.

@David Kasdan and others, yeah, we're fine tuning the BB logo stuff, I think maybe this was a bit too busy this time.

@Kurt, that was none other than Nihar Patel, writer/producer/bringer-of-funny extraordinaire!

Los Alamos (meth) Labs raid reveals fed PC traded for drugs

September 14, 2007 9:41am

@mikelotus, that's interesting, and I wasn't aware of this. Regardless, I'd imagine there is a tremendous pharmacological difference between the prescription substance and the sort of mess brewed up with kitty litter, cough syrup, and q-tips in some junkie's bathtub. comparing the two might be like comparing moonshine to merlot, though I suspect street meth is infinitely more hazardous.

Terry Pratchett's "Making Money" -- economic comedy

September 29, 2007 8:49am

@all the folks complaining about "irrational exuberance" here -- this is not Wikipedia, guys, don't expect NPOV. I love Cory's reviews, including this one. No, we never accept payment for reviews, and I think it's accurate to say we even pay for most of the stuff we review (books and gadgets and whatever), which is not the norm.

BB is a place where we share things we're excited about with anyone who cares to drop by. If you're not into it, there are many other places to spend your time and attention on the internet, and by all means, life is short! Be happy elsewhere!

Please also let us know where we can mail your subscription fee refund.

The Sunshine Makers -- 1932 cartoon about happy mutants versus sourpusses

December 12, 2007 3:11pm


"Turkey Wrap": holiday geek crunk from BBtv.

November 21, 2007 12:00am

@waugsqueke, post updated to include link to uncensored version! Here it is:

MP3 Link.

Dont Tase Me, Bro: the new LOLcats

September 19, 2007 2:51pm


The View's flat earther blames "senior poopy moment"

September 19, 2007 7:39pm

Saying Newport News is in the Deep South is like saying Colorado is on America's West Coast.

Cocoon Tent Concept by John Moriarty

September 12, 2007 10:43am

@Anonymous #7, two words: BALL WEIGHTS.

Trailers From Hell/Lobotomy

October 4, 2007 1:00am

@Kathryn Hill, we've added "make this more accessible for hearing-impaired" to the tweaks list, I understand there's some Flash feature that does this automatically? Please, by all means, we'd be stoked to work with Project ReadOn, too. We would love to do a better job of being accessible to all.

Trailers From Hell/Lobotomy

October 4, 2007 1:00am

(and thanks for the very kind words, Kathryn!)

Midwest Teen Sex Show: comedy podcast on teen sexuality

August 31, 2007 11:31am

@anonymou5, please remember that this is a forum for civil dialogue, not personal bashing.

@anonymous4, 5 and 6, you're correct about the "age appropriate" issue --

I'm presuming the smart young men and women who create this podcast are only seeking to protect themselves from legal liability. In an age where "abstinence education" is the standard in America, and prosecutions for online obscenity are such a focus for our current administration, it's standard.

Anyway -- I think these guys did a terrific job with a super low budge production, on a topic that obviously means something to 'em.

Nintendo controller pipe

September 28, 2007 10:27am

His eyeballs say it all. Whatever he's smoking, that pipe is full of win.

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

LOL, won't be issuing a retraction here, that's silly. Do the math, some of the figures I pointed to (which are estimates, and not estimates I came up with personally) include predicted pre-sales of the physical CD and vinyl. The band was taking orders for both CD and download simultaneously.

Their rep pretty much said "we're selling files solely for the purpose of boosting CD sales," and I paraphrased this. Nothing to retract.

Didn't say they weren't making any money off downloads. And who knows, if they really did rake in that much from downloads alone, maybe next time they'll think about the release process differently (and offer digital files which are an equivalent product, not a lesser product intended to encourage CD sales).

Ah, also -- the downloads were an incomplete album, as I understand it. The CD and vinyl include more material, more tracks, with the apparent intent being "try this out via low quality download, then go buy the REAL thing."

Guess what, for a lot of us, digital downloads ARE the REAL thing. I'm perfectly happy purchasing entire albums digitally and having that be the entire purchasing and listening experience. I don't need no stinkin' CDs, or vinyl, though it's great if others prefer that, to each his own.

Why not go end to end digital? I think that's lame. Not a crime, not "ripping off your fans," but cmon, it's lame. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.

I guess that even with all of this considered, you could consider what Radiohead did here to be one step forward. But IMO, they should have followed up with the other foot.

Improvising electronic devices is not a crime

September 28, 2007 9:47am

@nicholas, as I state in the post, and have before on Boing Boing:

[[I can't fault airport security personnel who spot an unfamiliar electronic device, worry that it might be dangerous, and question accordingly. That's what they're there for. But why do prosecutors still insist on carrying these charges against Simpson, despite clear and abundant evidence she meant no harm?]]

Scopolamine: "Zombie drug" and astronaut anti-puke helper

September 27, 2007 2:43pm

@brian corcoran, ah, I forgot about ginger! Some veteran zero-g flyers mentioned this, and I know expecting moms throughout history have used this for morning sickness. Yeah, some people on the zero-g flights carried candied ginger to help with nausea. Makes sense.

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

Hey guys -- jeez, you'd think I said the iPhone is gay or something. Simmer down, whoah.

So, yeah, pretty much what @voracity said, although I'm not speculating that the band *won't* do this again.

My point here isn't that fans were "ripped off," I'm perfectly capable of typing that if I'd meant it. I typed what I meant.

It appeared to many when this news first came out that the band was testing out a new, direct-to-consumer method for distributing digital music without DRM, with the digital files being the endgame (and CDs or vinyl available for whoever wants 'em).

Instead, it appears now that the digital distribution was a sort of loss leader , with less-then-optimal quality files offered for the sole purpose of selling more copies of the physical CD, and that's why these files were released at a far lower bitrate than even Radiohead had previously offered -- Hail to the Thief was sold online at one site @ 320 kbps.

There's a difference between 160 - 320, guys, that's the whole point of the band's comments, and the comments of their rep. 160 kbps, LOL, that's like, what, state of the art circa 1997.

I think Bob Lefsetz made the case for why this is a letdown better than I can:

This wouldn’t happen with a new band. New bands are WIRED, they UNDERSTAND the Internet. Whereas now we know that Radiohead doesn’t really believe in files, they live still live in the nineties, we’re supposed to buy the CD

Read his entire post, it's great: Link.

I am still a big fan of Radiohead. The album's great. I shelled out a silly amount of money for the downloads because I wanted to support the idea of un-DRMmed, high-quality files as being a perfectly good way to sell music in and of itself.

This isn't the end of the world, but it is lame.

Hunt for the twirly-faced pedophile

October 16, 2007 10:28am

I am tempted to remind everyone of Blink Tag Bandit, whose reign of terror took place in the mid-1990s. But that would be in very bad taste, because, of course, this is a real story with real victims and not a joke.

Victims of Congo rape epidemic: how you can help (update).

November 20, 2007 4:17pm

What Teresa said. I plan to donate to the organization providing aid to these women. Fine, my small donation may not stop the mass rape epidemic immediately. But it might help one or more victims who didn't deserve what happened to them, and when we pool our focus and our resources together, we can help instigate change.

Trailers From Hell/Lobotomy

October 4, 2007 1:00am

DUDES: direct Mp4 link at the top of the post (url fixed now, thanks!), @brian corcoran sorry about mispronouncing the blog name, eh?, @Alex, RSS feed for BBtv is live and is here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/boingboing/tv. You can now watch this shit on your iphones via iTunes, w00hoo!

Thanks so much for the helpful feedback guys.

Spiral-cut fried whole potato: Korean junk-food

September 27, 2007 10:21pm

I'd hit that.

Online Knitting/Burma Internet Crackdown

October 9, 2007 9:00am

Hey guys, we're so sorry about the ad volume issue. It's known, and our hamsters -- i mean, admins, are working on it.

I personally apologize to your ears! Also the plosives and sibilants are too poppy and hissy, we're recording next week's material with a new setup. Thanks for your patience.

Swedish TV host barfs, returns seconds later (video)

October 7, 2007 1:56pm

Dude I can't believe there is a flame war here over menstruation. OH WAIT I CAN it's the internet.

LOLcats: the musical

October 11, 2007 7:43am

I see what u sed dere. warning added.

Trailers From Hell/Lobotomy

October 4, 2007 1:00am

Hey thanks guys! The EFF PSA volume issue is a goof, we're working on it. Links and episode info are now in the post, too.

NBC to launch crappiest ever video download site

September 19, 2007 5:35pm

@redrighthand -- fair enough, but I think the argument here is more "this will sure be crappy," not "NBC is stealing from its customers."

The standard experience we've grown to expect online is that whatever you download, free or otherwise, remains available with no self-destruct date.

It's absolutely reasonable for people to consider anything less than that to be a sub-optimal, or "crappy," experience.

NBC to launch crappiest ever video download site

September 19, 2007 5:35pm

@Pete: (1) you're correct, there's no "buy." The readers' statement has been corrected. (2)The readers constructed this poorly -- the missing detail here was Windows DRM as the culprit not the fact that the files are disabled after 7 days.

Court declares parts of Patriot Act unconstitutional

September 26, 2007 9:34pm

You guys are like Mad Libs but with more FUD!

Myth of psychotic cat artist busted

September 26, 2007 6:38pm

Whups, re-pasting (MT comments blank out if you put text inside carets)


[[Some speculate that the onset of Wain's schizophrenia was precipitated by toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can be contracted from cats. The theory that toxoplasmosis can trigger schizophrenia is controversial but is the subject of significant research]]


Myth of psychotic cat artist busted

September 26, 2007 6:38pm

Well, Wikipedia is sometimes worth as much as you pay for it, but -- check this out, from the bio entry:



Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

@Cpt. Tim: This is not Engadget. You're on Boing Boing.

We do need to post a "guidelines for forum etiquette" kind of thing, but generally the common sense rule is: be civil to one another. Don't turn a heated argument into personally directed insults.

I appreciate the dialogue we're having here, now, and I think this is great. No one is calling anyone else an infidel / jihadist / Hitlerian douchebag.

(Famous last comments -- may have jinxed it)

FBI eyes anti-Jena 6, pro-white supremacy website

September 23, 2007 4:25pm

@Ryan Davidson: The less ambiguous language takes a little digging to find now, but here it is.

The two sections of the website at issue (still visible on Google's cache) would seem to be:


(1) the post titled "Addresses Of Jena 6 Ni----s: In Case Anyone Wants To Deliver Justice."

Google's cache shows that a version of that post dated September 20, 2:51PM local time, read in part:

"Jena, Louisiana -- Six ni----s are on trial in Jena, Louisiana. Five are currently out awaiting trial. Get in touch, and let them know justice is coming. Their addresses and phone numbers are (...)"

Followed by addresses and phone numbers purported to belong to those people.

(2) Another post titled "Lynch The Jena 6: We Are Anxiously Awaiting Their Release."

Here is a snip from that post:

Jena. Louisiana -- The American National Socialist Workers Party anxiously awaits the release of the Jena 6 n-----s, responsbile for an unprovoked assault on a white high student, so the six can face true justice.

"If these n-----s are released or acquitted, we will find out where they live and make sure that white activists and white citizens in Louisiana know it," ANSWP Commander Bill White stated today, "We'll mail directions to their homes to every white man in Louisiana if we have to in order to find someone willing to deliver justice."


[Redaction of n-word is my own -- XJ]

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

@Cpt. Tim, you have not been edited here. I see three comments from you in this thread alone.

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

Right, but the magazine in question is in the Netherlands. No laws there banning women from wearing jeans and a t-shirt if they so choose.

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

Look, I get it, but I think we also have to remember that not every single woman in the world who chooses to dress modestly for cultural reasons is doing so because she fears being killed or maimed. There is room for diversity.

There are conservative Christian folk in the United States who choose to cover their bodies, also, and I don't begrudge them this choice.

Shaolin monks wage internet war against ninja trolls

September 1, 2007 11:31pm

@Darrell, nice work, grasshopper!

Papers Please: Arrested at Circuit City for refusing to show ID, receipt

September 1, 2007 11:01pm

@Michael, I think it's fair to say that any of us who share parts of ourselves online like receiving public attention to one degree or another. That includes you, that includes me.

Whether or not this is the case with Mr. Righi, the real issue here is the law, and how Circuit City managers and law enforcement interpreted the law in this incident.

I find these reader testimonies very interesting because IANAL, and I don't know exactly what the laws are in these cases. I suspect they vary somewhat from state to state, and I suspect also that there's some ambiguity, some degree of flexibility for interpretation. Does that change over time, as the general climate changes?

Are some of us more stubborn about privacy incursions in small-scale situations where we *can* do something (say, refuse to show receipt or ID), because we know now about other, broader violations we're powerless to do much of anything about (say, NSA wiretapping)?

Papers Please: Arrested at Circuit City for refusing to show ID, receipt

September 1, 2007 11:01pm

Hey, any lawyers out there? Sure would be interesting to hear from you in this thread, and hear you identify yourselves as such.

Shaolin monks wage internet war against ninja trolls

September 1, 2007 11:31pm

@anonymous15, dude, i don't know where this iron blood bulletin board community is but christ i want a screenshot or url! ALso i think the whole dispute should be settled in a showdown with RZA and GZA of Wu Tang moderating.

Trekker v Furry bowl-off pics

September 30, 2007 6:21pm

Take the Furries bowling
Take them bowling

Take the Klingons bowling
Take them bowling

Osama Bin Laden's hair care tips for men

September 10, 2007 7:42am

@Nathan: There is no cowardice here, as you'll see if you reload -- just an updating/editing error. We're humans here, and sometimes we goof.

Shaolin monks wage internet war against ninja trolls

September 1, 2007 11:31pm

jeebus, you guys slay me. i am so glad we have comments on BB again.

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

Great, I can't wait for your response to this horse-fuckery documentary post I got waiting in the wings. Tally ho!

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

@Nick, Yeah, I just don't approach this story thinking about the same things, I guess. And I believe we should generally spend less time as a people bashing or judging the personal and religious traditions of others, and more time reading our own inventory.

Honestly, I didn't intend to spark a discussion on whether burkas are good or bad, or the merits of the Muslim faith, or gender inequality -- those are all worthy things to consider, but I just thought these clothing designs were an interesting reflection of human innovation within a specific tradition. A tradition I don't understand all that well.

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

One alternative way of looking at this design story is -- the religious codes and cultural mores are what they are. You could say that this designer (or these designers) are finding creative ways to provide observant conservative Muslim women with more experience mobility.

Swimming in public in a conventional bathing suit isn't something they'd do; these suits make it possible for them to comfortably enjoy that experience.

Without getting into a debate over whether or not those cultural or religious boundaries are just, or fair, or a form of gender oppression -- I think this is a very interesting example of how design can change our experience of the world.

Woman dies in security custody at airport

September 30, 2007 9:23am

@all, let's do remember the the first two words of the headline are "woman dies," and keep the debate adult.

Tracking down a plagiarized bio...

October 8, 2007 1:48pm

@Teresa, yeah. Either the photographer, Mr. Cowling, plagiarized his own bio, or "Tim Clark" > The Tooth Fairy, and Tim Clark plagiarized the bio. Cowling says he's innocent, and so far attempts to confirm the existence of any "Tim Clark" who wrote this have been unsuccessful.

Witchcraft practitioner wins Mega Millions lottery

September 3, 2007 7:17am

It's cool! We don't often hear about practitioners of "alternative" faiths in the news, unless they're accused of molesting or eating babies or whatever. This guy sounds like a normal, nice man, and it's awesome he won the lottery.

Witchcraft practitioner wins Mega Millions lottery

September 3, 2007 7:17am

What Teresa Nielsen Hayden said. :-)

If I were this guy, my new Crowleyan Credo would be "Buy What Thou Wilt, That Shall Be The Whole Of The Law."

Fall TV Shows/Wil Wheaton

October 10, 2007 12:48am


We're trying to just do interesting, escapist, non-narrative video that is pleasing to the eyes and brain in U.C., but maybe military death tech is stretching that a bit. We will go back to kittens next time maybe. Kittens with guns and supercharged turbo engines tho.

Fall TV Shows/Wil Wheaton

October 10, 2007 12:48am

Roger that. Will wear crocs, pocket protector, and I CAN READ YOUR EMAIL t-shirt in next ep.

Fall TV Shows/Wil Wheaton

October 10, 2007 12:48am

No, Wil Wheaton is his own unicorn chaser, he is excellent and awe-inspiring. BBtv's editor cut the episode this way because the only thing that could possibly compete with Wil Wheaton's unstoppable WINfulness is a THUNDER CHICKEN, flying high and proud.

Fall TV Shows/Wil Wheaton

October 10, 2007 12:48am

@Peetr, thanks we're working on that! Meantime, the iTunes subscription link will serve that up for you, btw: http://snurl.com/1s0aj

Witchcraft practitioner wins Mega Millions lottery

September 3, 2007 7:17am

@Anonymous16, please: Hecate and Demeter are listening.

Visions of the Future/Listography

October 2, 2007 9:55pm


Bottled water forbidden at Seattle festival

September 3, 2007 11:09am

Am I the only one fixated on the thing in the photo, lower left, that reads "crapolicio.us"?

Creepy-cool anatomical and medical art auction at Christies, Oct. 5

September 3, 2007 2:36pm

@Peter K:

(1) Bad scarification session at ye olde body modde shoppe

(2) Bad trip and/or rollin' too hard on E.

China Blocks Google & Others Over Dalai Lama (Or Just Bad Firewall)

October 18, 2007 12:29pm

oh, that wasn't a choice, i just manually typed 250px wide by goof. Thanks for spotting! Fixed.

Boing Boing Week in review: Aug. 27-Sep. 2, 2007

September 2, 2007 10:02pm

@Eduardo, that's a great idea, but we don't have a way I can imagine to automate the count -- keep it automatically udpated. One thread might have 100 comments when I post the roundup, then increase to 200 an hour later! Hm, thinking...

Visions of the Future/Listography

October 2, 2007 9:55pm

@Jason Cosper: Boogahhhhhh! Hi!

Visions of the Future/Listography

October 2, 2007 9:55pm

Many thanks for checking it out, guys!

(1) podcastiness coming! RSS feed and the ability to subscribe via iTunes will be live ASAP. Hopefully Wednesday October 3, the day on which we were *supposed* to launch anyway. We just couldn't wait.

(2) THanks for the reminder -- I've udpated the post to include a direct link to the MP4 file above, now, for iphone users and others who get indigestion from flash.

Boing Boing tv: same old BB, but with talkies.

October 2, 2007 8:14pm

Hey guys! Thank you each, very much, for your gentle comments. :)

RSS feed and the ability to subscribe via iTunes will be live ASAP. Hopefully Wednesday October 3, the day on which we were *supposed* to launch anyway. We just couldn't wait.

Direct video link here, for those who have probs viewing Flash: Link

Online Knitting/Burma Internet Crackdown

October 9, 2007 9:00am

Zabet wrote:

[[I now have the ignominious honor of looking like an idiot who favors knitted tumors over actual people's lives.]]

Zabet, I'm so sorry you are offended, but I don't agree at all. The question of how to combine lighthearted and more serious subject matter is something we've wrestled with on Boing Boing the blog for years, too, and I guess we're still figuring out how best to do that in what is, for us, a new medium: video. On Boing Boing the blog, you'll often see posts about war or torture or human rights smacked right up against silly posts about papercraft or comics or what have you.

Again, I'm so sorry if you would rather we hadn't included your wonderful work in this piece. If anyone is at fault here for not presenting it properly, it's me. I thought that naming you, individually and collectively, in this very detailed accompanying blog post, and linking twice to your work (here and on boingboing.net) was the right way to do this.

Very sorry.


Blade Runner

October 12, 2007 12:27am

@Kristina and others, thank you very much, and we're really glad you enjoy it. Hey, if you dig it and you feel moved to add a review to iTunes, we'd really appreciate it! Here's the iTunes URL: Link.

Online Knitting/Burma Internet Crackdown

October 9, 2007 9:00am

Hey, Zabet -- yes, that's why we credited you in the blog post and linked to your site!

Vintage photos from squareamerica.com

November 27, 2007 4:11pm

They could both use LOLspeak captions...

Daniel Pinchbeck video

October 19, 2007 11:53am

Pinchbeck's full of shit. I've spent some time around actual Mayan daykeepers in Guatemala and Mexico, and his interpretation of the Mayan calendrical system and Mayan cosmology is just pura mierda.

No, the world isn't going to end in 2012, nor does the Mayan Calendar end then, any more than the Harmonic Convergence was real. Damn, pero gabachos is stupid sometimes.

Look, I am no scholar in this field. I am not a "Mayanist" expert, nor am I Mayan obviously, or someone who's qualified to speak for the indigenous people who originated this knowledge, as it were.

But having spent considerable time in Mayan communities in Guatemala since I was a teenager, among priests and older community members who maintain this tradition, I can say with much confidence that hucksters like Pinchbeck (and Castaneda and Argüelles and their profiteering ilk) are just constantly, willfully, clumsily misinterpreting and co-opting this material to sell books and fashion themselves as new age messiahs.

Seriously, move along.

An authentic understanding of Mayan calendrical systems and religion is a lot more complicated and hard to come by, if you're non-indigenous, and you damn sure aren't gonna get it by munching on DMT and staring at fractals.

Hunt for the twirly-faced pedophile

October 16, 2007 10:28am

...which is why i made the joke.

Quechup is rotten: don't accept invites

September 4, 2007 6:30am

@Eduardo: it's "Invite from [name] [email address]" and it's generated from the user email, not [something@quechup.com], which gets past many people's trust filters.

Quechup is rotten: don't accept invites

September 4, 2007 6:30am

Here's an example with header info, actual victim's details deleted:


From: VICTIM@gmail.com
Subject: Invite from VICTIM (VICTIM@gmail.com)
Date: September 3, 2007 9:36:36 PM PDT
Reply-To: (VICTIM@gmail.com)
Delivered-To: XENI'S ADDRESS
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.9 (2007-02-13) on XENI'S EMAIL SERVER
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=7.0 tests=BAYES_00,HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=ham version=3.1.9
Received: (qmail 14572 invoked from network); 3 Sep 2007 21:39:48 -0700
Received: from mail2.quechup.com (HELO www1.quechup.com) ( by XENI'S EMAIL SERVER with SMTP; 3 Sep 2007 21:39:47 -0700
Received: by www1.quechup.com (Postfix, from userid 48) id E56A52B3517; Tue, 4 Sep 2007 05:36:36 +0100 (BST)
Sender: "Quechup"
X-Mailer: PHP v5.2.3
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary = "1c0ee4632942be820932c592055b2695"

Imaginary Foundation

October 4, 2007 3:25pm


Lights Out: "turn your electricity off" event photos

October 21, 2007 9:08am

@Suburbancowboy, check out their website -- they weren't capping it at one bulb, just telling folks who may not have a lot of motivation "hey, how hard it it to just start with one little lightbulb?," hoping they'll move on from there. One bulb at a time.

Lights Out: "turn your electricity off" event photos

October 21, 2007 9:08am

Well, I think the point is that they weren't just any ole buildings, they were, um, the Transamerica Pyramid, and other landmarks. I don't think the organizers expected to shut off ALL lights in SF, it was more of an awareness-raising exercise, and in that respect it sounded like they did a great job.

Lagos Calling: Nigerian punk fashion fantasy photoset

November 6, 2007 2:57pm

Wow. OK. This is not an homage to dogfighting, it's a reimagination of what would have existed if punk and ska and skinhead culture were born in Nigeria. IT'S A FASHION SHOOT. Not an actual documentary of 1970s punk scene in West Africa.

It's possible to explore visual ideas in this medium without advocating them. Hence the dog reference. He's telling a story in images, not promoting dogfighting.

I figured more folks would be upset by the racial implications of a fantasy photoset featuring skinheads in Lagos, but -- yeah, this is not a pro-dogfighting photoset. Clayton is a dear pal of mine, he's not into animal cruelty, and I just love his work, and I think this set is freakin fantastic.

Also, did anyone else see Fela and Black Flag play that double-bill in Accra back in 1982? Fuckin' awesome, and the King Sunny Ade / Dead Kennedys tour of Benin that followed was sold out.

Nintendo controller pipe

September 28, 2007 10:27am

omg capsaicin is evil!!!!

US Navy calls MySpace kids an "Alien Life Force"

September 28, 2007 10:00am


Remembering Timothy Leary on his birthday

October 23, 2007 2:39pm

OMG that's Carla and Mark with Timothy Leary!!!

Furries vs Klingons bowling tournament this Sat in Atlanta

September 25, 2007 2:00am

Anonymous Klingon, I hope you'll let us know here at BoingBoing when the event does happen. It sounds unmissable.

(yay for eccentric humans doing their own thing no matter what fun-crushers may say)


FBI eyes anti-Jena 6, pro-white supremacy website

September 23, 2007 4:25pm

@OneWag, assuming that's correct -- wow. "EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." Rrrright.

Burma: internally displaced demonstrate in rural areas

September 28, 2007 12:15pm

@om, that is very kind of you, but no I am not in Burma, or anywhere nearby.

Foreign journalists are in fact not allowed inside Burma. As other commenters have posted, however, some very brave citizens of that country have been risking their lives and safety by sneaking out documentation of the atrocities being committed by the military regime in power.

Those people, and the monks, and the poor and the everyday folk who are participating in the protests -- they're the ones truly at risk here. They deserve our sustained attention.

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm


But stop spitting on a gift because it wasn't good enough.

Oh, for heaven's sake, leaving aside the silly "spitting" hyperbole -- here's the important point.

It's not a "gift" if you pay for it.

And plenty of music fans/consumers aren't expecting "gifts," they'd be absolutely happy to pay a reasonable price for digitally-delivered music that is of no lesser quality than "real" CDs.

The positive lesson from this experiment, whether it was just for CD marketing purposes or not, is that we now have further proof that this is true.

MIT student arrested for entering Boston airport with "fake bomb"

September 21, 2007 7:43am

@rrsafety, thanks I've corrected the post. When I saw this demonstrated on TV, it looked like the gizmo was on the inside, but I must have been wrong.

Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge of Psychic TV, RIP

October 12, 2007 10:20am

[[Lady Jaye collapsed and died in the arms of her heartbroken "other half" Genesis Breyer P-Orridge.]] Oh, my goodness, how very sad. My condolences to her loved ones.

Verizon agrees to allow abortion-related txts

September 27, 2007 2:07pm

@owl, these aren't spam -- they're opt-in messages for people who support NARAL and want alerts via txt. Same with the other messages described in this post.

Ronald Jenkees; Hello YouTubes, have you heard my SICK beats?

September 4, 2007 9:33pm

Nooooooo say it isn't so! Well, even if this isn't really who he is, so to speak -- gotta give the guy props for pronouncing it "TIM-BER-LAND." That alone is jeanyus!

FBI eyes anti-Jena 6, pro-white supremacy website

September 23, 2007 4:25pm

The choice not to publish that word on BoingBoing is not one of censorship, but a decision about what I'm comfortable saying, and what is needed to communicate what I'm trying to communicate.

I'm not comfortable using that word at all. Its use is not required in order to tell the story or invite the debate here in the comments section.

I don't feel entitled to its use.

Others are free to make their own decisions -- but that is mine, and I don't accept the notion that this is "censorship."

We don't post beheading videos. We don't post explicit photographs of people having sex. And I don't post this word. Just an editorial choice.

Amazon creates gigantic DRM-free music store!

September 25, 2007 8:03am

Wow, some big licensing differences between this and iTunes. For instance, AMZN have a ton of Radiohead albums, where iTunes has zippo! Led Zep searches still turn up karaoke and lullabies. Drat.

Virgin America announces in-flight, air-to-ground broadband

September 13, 2007 7:08am

@Anonymous 4, I am presuming that this will be free, but I might be wrong. VA didn't specify one way or the other in the press release, and the service launch is not planned 'til '08.

Endangered languages and gadgets that record them

September 19, 2007 8:54am

@Moltketti, ooh, cool! I'm gonna try the mod! Thank you so much for sharing this!

Girl can't help it: a critique of porn star Ashley Blue's blog

September 15, 2007 8:15am

@spincycle, that's very cool, but please note that this item is about the adult film star Ashley Blue, not the blogger and author Violet Blue, who is in turn sometimes confused with a porn performer who assumed the name Violet Blue in later years. It gets confusing, I know.

Virgin America announces in-flight, air-to-ground broadband

September 13, 2007 7:08am

@Jeffrey, that's a legitimate point! I goofed, that was sloppy of me. I've edited the title.

@GorillaSushi, that doesn't seem like a reasonable criticism at all. Have you checked their fares lately? They're very competitive, and I don't see any indication that the added service here will cause them to raise rates. I mean, they may indeed raise fares after the initial launch period has passed, but if they do, I wouldn't guess that's all about the broadband.

At any rate, fares on VA are really nice right now. I've been flying them on SF/LA and LA/NY routes, and enjoying it, and no they haven't paid me to say that -- they're not a Boing Boing sponsor.

Africa: rape epidemic in Congo war worsens

October 7, 2007 9:10am

Susannah Breslin, the BB pal who pointed us to this story, has reached out to its author at the NYT to see if he has recommendations of what concerned folks can do.

@Tits McGee, those suggestions seem to me to be excellent.

A small footnote: I couldn't help but think how bizarre the name of the roaming Congolese death squads is. They've co-opted the term "Rasta," and I wonder how many Americans or others reading the article (or other news about Congo) now might imagine that this is in fact how actual Rastafarians behave.

Whatever you think of the *real* Rastafarian Movement, and their lifestyle and their faith (few outside it take the time to understand it, many white folks in particular romanticize it, others have dismissed it as a "stoner cult") -- they're not death squads.

(shakes head sorrowfully). What an incredibly horrible story this is, so very awful. And even more sad, the fact that systematized sexual violence against women is not uncommon in other wars around the world.

If the face of this 18-year-old girl isn't the face of abiding, inextinguishable strength, I don't know what is.

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

Wow, guys. Is the opposite of "oppression" walking around naked, then? I think not.

What if some women from cultures other than our own simply prefer to dress in this more modest way, because it's part of their cultural tradition? Not because the law demands that they do, or because oppressive religious codes forbid them do anything else -- but because this is how they choose to present themselves to the world?

This is complicated stuff, but I don't think it's my place to liberate these women from choices they make. I think the metallic tracksuit on the left looks kind of bad ass, actually!


Alaska Airlines will soon offer wireless internet

September 19, 2007 12:54pm

@Bloo, good point. Let's also hope the broadband frequency is "wide stance."

How to board a plane without ID -- be a pageant queen

October 18, 2007 10:30am

(I was joking about Gilmore btw, I have nothing but respect for him and the lawsuit he filed.)

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

Well, [cough cough], please don't Sulk. I Might Be Wrong. Call me an Airbag, or a Creep. I Just feel a little Let Down.

I understood that Radiohead initially said they were releasing a new album as downloadable audio files on a tip-box system, not soliciting a few token Dollars and Cents from each of us to pay for a promotional preview for the real product, which is an $80 box set. Nice Dream, huh.

Again, maybe I'm misunderstanding some of the nuances, but I believe it's better when there are No Surprises for hardcore fans like me who are nuts enough to pay them $80 for the goddamned MP3s anyway.

I remain Optimistic.

Burma: internally displaced demonstrate in rural areas

September 28, 2007 12:15pm

@Amber -- I think that's possible, and I'm familiar with this, too. I spent some time in rural West Africa this year, and this is a widespread custom among (particularly) rural people there.

World's largest horse. Oh, and a new DVD.

September 20, 2007 9:03pm

@shanealeslie, thanks for weighing in, and I've heard great things about the film, all blog-jokes aside. I guess I need to just shut up and buy it now!

Baby Unicorns in Second Life - via interspecies sex

September 7, 2007 10:35am

I, for one, welcome our new bastard unicorn furry lovechild overlords.

And how!

Baby Unicorns in Second Life - via interspecies sex

September 7, 2007 10:35am

OMG I know it's not *the* Doctor Tchock, but someone has great taste in pseudonyms!

Southwest airlines: fashion police of the skies

September 7, 2007 10:31am

@Webbie -- it's relevant, she identifies herself as such in the press she's doing around this story. It's in the story I cite, and I'm not repeating the fact in an effort to tar her, it's just -- that's who she is and what she does for a living. If it were about me, it'd be Xeni Jardin, BoingBoing blogger and whatever, and in this case, it's Kyla Ebbert, San Diego [name of school] student and Hooters waitress.

TSA: war on coffee successful, boxcutters not so much

September 18, 2007 10:24am

@kiint, he wasn't "trying to remain anonymous," I just always try to verify before publishing whether someone's comfortable with being identified on the blog, as a privacy courtesy. I've just now verified, and you'll see his name here in the post.

Oh, if only we knew what these ads are trying to say.

September 17, 2007 2:55pm

@Anonymous #9 -- far be it from me to censor nipples on BoingBoing. No, that's the original, untouched (just resized) pic from the website. I guess the top she's wearing has built-in pasties. XJ

Countdown to Microsoft's "J.Lo 3"

September 24, 2007 11:07pm

Wow, guys, I found the theme music for this long-anticipated game! http://snurl.com/1r7vx


December 18, 2007 12:00am

@Jordan, indeed, that is a production goof. We're sorry for the error, and are fixing that now! By the time you see this comment, we'll be in the process of doing so.

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

If Cory offered copies of his books for *sale* online in electronic form with missing pages and print you couldn't enjoy as fully, and we learned about the lower-than-optimal quality and incomplete content after we'd paid for it, and we learned a few weeks later that he'd only done so for the purpose of selling dead-tree copies, then maybe, I guess.

But no, Cory doesn't do that. He doesn't condescend to his audience. So I don't think the two are analogous.

Radiohead has the right to do whatever they want with the art they create, and if they want to give away or sell low-quality MP3s to entice people to buy CDs, again, it's not a crime.

But it's not very forward-thinking, given how many of us see digital downloads of music as a primary means of purchase and enjoyment.

Jim Griffin on the pho list likes to talk about "Tarzan Economics," meaning that folks in the record biz often try to hang on to an old business model while tentatively grasping at others, trying to swing through the jungle.

If you really want to progress, at one point or another you just have to let go of the old, familiar vine, and fly forward.

Butt-biting Bug / Vaginads

October 5, 2007 1:00am

Greetings, mein düdes:

A few answers @ everyone (and thank you very much, both for the kind words for the BBtv team and for the helpful criticisms)...

(1) YES other boingers are coming soon! We're taking it simple at the beginning, and gradually expanding out into more kinds of ways of telling stories... more contributors, more stuff out in the field... you'll see new things next week, and we'll expand further each week. One step at a time. The idea here is to TRY EVERYTHING. See what works, don't repeat what doesn't. What you tell us about what you like or don't like weighs heavily.

(2) Yeah, sorry about sound probs. We don't want to be too perfect or fussy or polished, but crappy sound or overly "hissy" sound with "host" speech is lame. We're working on it for the next episode. Sorry.

We will include more cowbell in the future.

(3) Animated Jackhammer Jill *IS* rad and was produced by Of The World TV. PEsco did a post about them today over on the main BB site, chekkitout: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/10/05/of-the-world-tv.html.

(4) Unicorn chaser is a regular fun thing, but not all the time.

(5) Jackhammer Jill is beardless.

(6) We mosaic/blur the x-rated stuff because we don't want BBtv video to be too NSFW.

(7) @A New Challenger ROFL

(8) @Ocker3 hm that's no good. Our UI team will talk and maybe we'll change things around a bit. shouldn't be a hunting expedition, you're right.

Again thanks for watching and weighing in! It really means a lot to us. No, a marketing consultant did not tell me to say that. I mean it.


Boing Boing tv: now you can watch it on Virgin America.

October 5, 2007 12:06pm

@Cowicide, that's actually not why we blurred the x-rated bits. We want BBtv to not be *too* NSFW for much of our audience who view it at work, or in other shared environments. Nobody's telling us where the boundaries are, and nobody's "censoring" us. We're just trying to sort out what makes sense for our audience/community/victims.


Sex Pistols return

September 18, 2007 2:37pm

Is it wrong that I am as excited about this as I am about the November London Led Zeppelin reunion show? I kind of think they'll both be duds, because comeback shows with rock-n-roldsters where half the dudes are dead are often lame. But still, two of my favorite bands of all time, and I don't care if you think that's incongruous.

Sex Pistols return

September 18, 2007 2:37pm

Also fk'n great post. How awesome is that video clip.

FBI eyes anti-Jena 6, pro-white supremacy website

September 23, 2007 4:25pm

@willibro/everyone re: the link/don't link question:

I didn't leave out a link to be "PC," or because I thought an href tag would encourage anyone who clicked it to become a neo-nazi, don't be silly.

The part that interests and concerns me is the "mechanical" effect of linking to them in the body of a BB post -- when you're doing this on a blog that has as large a network footprint as BB, that small act affects the linked-to site's Google rank in a big way. Linking also does serve to drive significantly more traffic to the site than explaining how to find the site without an embedded link.

I still don't know what the best policy is, or what I'll do next time, but it's interesting to be having this discussion with you guys.


Tarantino 3D pr0no?

September 8, 2007 8:50am

@Nick: it's an internet joke.

Endangered languages and gadgets that record them

September 19, 2007 8:54am

@verafides, which Olympus recorder do you like?

Many thanks to all who've weighed in on this thread, really fascinating to read your insight here. Even you, Jason.


Allan Tannenbaum's photographs: 9-11 Still Killing

September 10, 2007 8:00am

@Lakelady, I think it's fair to say that sometimes, extraordinary circumstances and extraordinary desire to save the lives of others overwhelms common sense. Also, those basic supplies were not available to all the first responders out there, least of all the volunteers -- distribution was extremely difficult. The last people we should be finding fault with are the men and women who simply tried to help, and are now paying with their own bodies and lives.

Scopolamine: "Zombie drug" and astronaut anti-puke helper

September 27, 2007 2:43pm

@ntac, right -- betcha you were receiving much smaller doses of a much higher quality / more pure substance than what they're referring to as "devil's breath."

Hey, look, it's Boing Boing on Twitter!

September 17, 2007 12:20am

We did not buy the name. That guy did something that was a violation of Twitter's TOS (squatting/poaching/selling names), and lost control of the BoingBoing "domain." We then obtained it.

Short links smorgasbord

September 27, 2007 3:39pm

@Zuhaib, oooh lovely, I see their work on Amazon's MP3 store, too. url: http://snurl.com/1rc8v

Scopolamine: "Zombie drug" and astronaut anti-puke helper

September 27, 2007 2:43pm

@anonymous#6, there are other ways to avoid motion sickness in zero gravity. Some less intense drugs work for some people, and I've always made do with a pocket full of Altoids or gum, and some techniques that involve minimizing inner ear confusion.

Bottom line: in heavy-G pullup period, stay still, don't move your head, keep your eyes fixed on one spot, other things you can do to trick your physiology into not freaking out. It's not the weightless parts that make you sick, it's the heavy-g parts before or after.

I've flown zero g multiple times, and never used even over-the-counter drugs for motion sickness on those flights. I've had a few woozy moments, but never puked or had enough probs that the experience was unenjoyable.

Armless man questioned after deadly fight

September 20, 2007 1:27pm

Don't taste me, bro!

Burqinis and the new Muslim chic

September 20, 2007 8:02am

@epi_mom pwns.

Verizon agrees to allow abortion-related txts

September 27, 2007 2:07pm

Oh, that was a headline construction goof, I didn't intend that meaning. I will correct.

Internet Cookies/Internet... Thing

October 18, 2007 1:00pm

I'm glad you guys liked Gabe and Max as much as we did. I think we're going to put out a call for questions from BBtv viewers, and then forward those by fax and whatnot to Gabe and Max, and ask them to respond to those questions in a tailor-made infauxmercial which we'd air on BBtv. These days, what with business and stuff, you gotta get your emails. I sure would like to know more knowledge from them about how to achieve the dreamlife of my dreams on the internet.

Osama Bin Laden's hair care tips for men

September 10, 2007 7:42am

@Nathan -- this is a little like explaining one's underwear choices, but here's what happened.

Sometimes I might tweak a post, add something, change a word or two for clarification, add a pic, correct a typo, and so on. The posts are fairly fluid in that respect.

In this case, the original post did not include that last line, or the image. I refreshed posts in Ecto (the editor I use, is sometimes wonky but mostly great) and added the image, and the final line, did some other tasks, accidentally deleted the post, and re-posted with the image but without the final line. Realized the goof a few minutes later, re-posted the last line.

Aaaaaand there you have it.

Revived: 1967 Czech communist-era "interactive cinema"

September 20, 2007 12:25pm

@Roy, fascinating! You were there!

Coffee Hacks With Mark/Foxie Moxie

October 17, 2007 1:00pm

@Cheeken, and others, the song Foxie Moxie gogos to is indeed "chick habit," by April March, and she's totally awesome. iTunes Store Link.

State of the transgenic union: Frankenorganisms ahoy!

October 19, 2007 2:38pm

What a fascinating piece. Also, am I the only one who skimmed the headline and read "frankenorgasms"?

Blade Runner

October 12, 2007 12:27am

@FirstPesonShow.net-kevin -- Hey, I think our ad folks have fixed the "sound too loud on ads" issue now (6pm PT). How's it sound now? Should be cool moving forward. Sorry 'bout that.

@everyone: Joel, Cory, and Pesco will each debut shortly, and Mark will be more of a regular part of the show! We're just kind of getting our material together, figuring out what sort of approach suits each person best, and getting a sense of what feels most boingy. So, yes, definitely expect a lot more diversity in terms of the faces you see. We'll be doing lots more stuff out in the world, and other wacky formats I don't even wanna talk about yet.

And, also expect a greater portion of stuff coming from our friends (filmmakers, nerds, explorers, whatever, folks we know).

And, expect stuff from you, our audience (friends we haven't met yet! ← awwwwcheeseball)

Thanks for hanging in there, I know there are plenty of little flaws and rough edges. Our promise to you is not that this will be flawless, but that it will be as honest of an experiment as we are capable of doing, and that we will try to evolve this into something great, and that we will try to always make new mistakes, as Esther Dyson says.

Oh wait that's three promises! Hahahah sorry, I suck. :)


Mister Jalopy's Garage

November 7, 2007 12:15am

@nicerobot, thanks for the heads up! We boosted the video quality a little too much in the last two episodes, and discovered that this causes problems for iPhone and Apple TV. We've dialed back the quality now, within the acceptable range for those platforms -- if you feel like re-downloading now (422pm Wed 7 11), all should be well. Again thanks, and sorry for the technical problem.

Halloween mugshot mask: U.S. Senator Larry Craig

October 21, 2007 11:17pm

What @pfurrie said.

Daniel Pinchbeck video

October 19, 2007 11:53am

I love Doug Rushkoff. For that reason, and many others.

The Limerick pedestrian diet and exercise plan

October 22, 2007 8:38am

As important as the food, I love what she says about the importance of walking, and how to integrate that into an urban lifestyle. She is cool.

The Limerick pedestrian diet and exercise plan

October 22, 2007 8:38am

She's cool. Also, salad dressing can be home-made, and healthy! Tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, blended herbs, yogurt -- tons of stuff you can mix in various combinations that aren't "bad."

King Corn/Count Smokula

October 22, 2007 4:00am

Good point, Jim! We should have made this clearer. The film is really good, the guys sent me a screener copy and I watched over the weekend. While the theme is kind of scary (corn is in everything, it's a huge, gov-subsidized industry, corn derivative foodstuffs are making America fat), the movie is not preachy at all, very fun, and the scene where they try to homebrew high-fructose corn syrup is just hilarious. I think that's my favorite part of the film, and worth the price of admission alone.

King Corn/Count Smokula

October 22, 2007 4:00am

Oh, and coincidentally, the NYT ran an editorial on the farm bill just this weekend: Link.

Hollywood writer's strike close? New bits on web work.

October 22, 2007 8:14am

@misseliza, whups, thanks, I've clarified.

Random gallery of lovely old computer photos

October 22, 2007 9:30am

Guys, thanks, the post has been updated with a correction and a link to the previous (correct) BB post.

King Corn/Count Smokula

October 22, 2007 4:00am

@X, thanks very much! We're planning to do more collaborative work among the BB team on future episodes, so... stay tuned, please!

Oh, also -- Bonnie at the excellent food blog ethicurean has an interesting review up on King Corn:


Beastie Boys: radio shows and pics circa '85

October 22, 2007 9:21am

@anonymous, well, I got that notion from... um... seeing them play live in NYC when I was a pre-teen punk. Being there in person.

Snip from the booklet that was inserted with Some Old Bullshit:

For the record Beastie Boys stands for: Boys Entering Anarchistic States Towards Internal Excellence. That might sound kind of serious or it might sound idiotic, probably both, but it seemed funny at the time. We played our first club gig at A7. If you came up in N.Y.C. hardcore, you probably know the place. If not, it was like playing in your aunt's living room - that is if your aunt's living room had cat pee all over and was a part time crack house. Then we opened for Reagan Youth and I think Even Worse at what was once the legendary club, Trude Hiller's. H.R. of the Bad Brains saw us play and gave us a gig opening for them at the closing night of Max's Kansas City. Talk about irony. Then we broke up.

Early on, they'd play what could only be described accurately as hardcore, in hardcore clubs, with hardcore bands. After a set doing thrash, they'd put down their instruments and goof off as MCs. Eventually, they stuck with the MC part and the rest is funkstory.


Space Couture runway show

November 9, 2007 12:08am

@Guabaman, ROFL, that's cuz I was wearing the space flightsuit they gave me to wear on the Zero Gravity flights! I stuck some Vader and Yoda stickers on it. There was an astronaut in the house with the same flightsuit. It was weird, like showing up at the Oscars and seeing some other chick in the same gown.

The iconography of Boing Boing

November 9, 2007 10:19am

@Gareth, ahhahahahahaha i cracked up there too!!

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

@Pat, thanks! And @Lionel, WOW, thanks for commenting here. We're going to feature you, and your amazing creations, in part two of "American Furry" on BBtv, probably next week.

Hey, for everyone who thinks furries are uncool, check this out (work-safe):



BBtv in the news: Boston Globe, NY Mag

November 12, 2007 5:20pm

@Stefan: "Forever" just means the next 5 minutes, until we try something new that turns out to be fun to watch. There is no "totally" in the BBtv equation at this time, except for the fact that we are striving to be totally fuckin' sweet at everything there is to be totally fuckin' sweet at. (SOURCE)

Dude totally flips out at E3

November 4, 2007 11:20pm

@albedo LOL you said "frottage burn" and "Ms Pac Man" in the same sentence.

Andy Warhol perfume

October 23, 2007 12:20pm

Weren't "Incense, Wood Resin, Amber, Jasmine, Iris, Violet and Cedarwood" names of actresses in his films, along with Holly Woodlawn and Candy Darling and the like?

Gabe & Max: now YOU can ask them how to get the Dream Life of YOUR Dreams.

October 23, 2007 3:56pm

Is it true that "html" stands for HACKERS, TROLLS, MASHUPS and LOLCATS -- the fabled "four horsemen of the netpocalypse?"

Also how do you pronounce HARBLS please.

Gabe & Max: now YOU can ask them how to get the Dream Life of YOUR Dreams.

October 23, 2007 3:56pm

I, too, would like more advice on how to make my MySpaces and Facebooks more sparkly, and make them emit a pleasing freshness odor. Is there like a plug-in?

Dude totally flips out at E3

November 4, 2007 11:20pm

@Pyros, no, "+1" meant "I agree with your sentiment." Thanks for being civil.

Boing Boing t-shirts by COOP!

December 8, 2007 1:55pm

She cain't hep it!

Web zen: shall we play a game zen

November 17, 2007 12:06pm

@Jesse M., it's actually not something I coined, or selected -- we re-run these lists with the kind permission of Frank from chaoskitty.com. He has generously granted us permission to do so for some years, all of these cool finds are his, and the name "web zen" is also his.

Dave Hill is a very funny guy (videos)

November 16, 2007 3:22pm

@Adam, oh, okay, cool! Someone better tell the cows.

Dude totally flips out at E3

November 4, 2007 11:20pm

@Pyros, +1.

@ others who've lobbed insults at the guy -- let's please be mindful of the fact that he is recently deceased.

Arguing in a comments thread over what constitutes comedy is going to be about as fruitful as a thread about whether furries are creepy or sexy, or whether George Bush deserves to be president. Someone should just call someone else a nazi here, and we'll consider it a wrap.

I didn't know "Timmy" personally, but I think he was very talented. The particular kind of confrontational, hyperbolic schtick he did is not without precedent, and not without peer.

Sascha Baron Cohen didn't teabag taxis at the Convention Center (plz correct me if I missed it), but the stuff Timmy did with the Crap TV guys reminds me a little of stuff on the Ali G show -- only in the environment of pre-dotcom-crash Los Angeles, a time and place that kinda means something to me, personally. @Chiefcynic, actually, a lot of awesome comedy does involve some guy acting like a moron.

So, yeah, I think this is really fcking funny, and the story of how this very charismatic and smart young man came to pass away is also tied in to that internet history, and is extremely sad.

Anyway, that's part of why I thought it would be a good thing to share on BBtv. The circumstances that led to this material being produced, all of the crazy money flying around at E3, the hubris, the hype, the huge parties, the big payout promises -- this clip captures all of that perfectly.

His schtick was insane, the environment around him more so.

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

Perhaps! I am rather into fake fur coats. Fur-curious, I guess!

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

@TK: Naturalists might diss you similarly for wearing pants.

American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

@Pat Race: Thanks for watching and caring enough about it to respond!


* re: format of this episode, we're experimenting with a lot of different things here. Today's episode was not pre-fab, not something we just grabbed off YouTube and re-ran on BBtv. The process was kind of cool -- the filmmaker provided us with access to tons of raw material from the film she's still making. Our (disgustingly talented) editor picked little bits here and there with which to tell a story in less than 5 minutes on the internet, and strung it all together. We actually did tape some host intros, but when our editors showed us what they'd constructed -- I dunno, we just all felt like this story told itself better without any interruption from us. Maybe we'll do it differently next time. Whatever. The beauty of this experiment is that it's just that: a daily experiment. We promise you that this will never be homogenous, or a copout. We promise you that we will try new things every day. And yeah, we're gonna keep doing it every day.

* That said: Expect more of our faces and voices (Mark, me, other Boingers) in the mix next week, though, we've been roaming around the world shooting a bunch of adventures this week... editing now.

* re: IT ROOM. We get paid to run ads, and that's what enables us to produce the show. We know Dell is ethical and makes good computers and monitors -- they like this campaign, our viewers have been sharing their opinions about it, and I'll be interested to see how that develops.


Striking writers talk of launching web startups

December 19, 2007 8:55pm

What seems silly to me is the notion that you have to go around kneeling and kissing VCs' hands in order to start an internet business. These poor guys, it's like all they learned about the internet they learned in 1999, before the drop. Hell, Boing Boing has never received a dime in VC funding. We didn't start out as a business at all.

Introducing BBtv vlogs! Today: Joel from BB Gadgets.

December 21, 2007 12:08am

ScottSO: Yes, the BBtv vlog episodes will be in the same feed as the Boing Boing tv episodes!

BBtv: Introducing BBtv vlogs! Today, Joel from BB Gadgets.

December 21, 2007 1:00am

I am secretly wearing mom jeans RIGHT NOW.

BBtv: Introducing BBtv vlogs! Today, Joel from BB Gadgets.

December 21, 2007 1:00am

@sasquatch, these are all available via the main BBtv RSS feed:


and each episode is downloadable! there's a li'l button right there in the castfire interface.

Fox helps itself to photo of blogger's dog

December 25, 2007 6:52pm

if this were a Fox headline, it would read


Blackwater wishes you a very mercenary Christmas

December 28, 2007 10:11am

@osiris7, I have seen those guards IRL. When I was in Northern India last year, I spent some time around other Tibetan Buddhist religious figures, including one who'd fled China recently enough that personal security concerns seemed to remain high. The man traveled in a heavily armed convoy, with lots of personal guards carrying large guns.

The Sex Singularity: When Machines Surpass Human Hotness

December 28, 2007 2:39pm

I thought that read "Batboy" at first glance. Man I miss Batboy. He was hot. WWN FTW.

RIP: Netscape Navigator (1994-2008)

December 28, 2007 2:40pm

@jawells, EULAgy, hahahahhah

Index On Censorship's new issue on "cyberspeech"

January 13, 2008 1:24pm

@Bill Simmon, gosh that's terrible.

I really didn't want this thread to turn into a public bashing, I like these guys. Let's try to remember that they seem like a pretty modestly-sized operation, without an excess of funding or resources. But that's really too bad. Great ideas are not of much use if nobody can get to them.

Hopefully someone from INDEX will chime in here, and/or the accessibility issues will be resolved.

My desk. Let me show u it. (Kotaku)

January 13, 2008 10:57am

@bzishi, Randy Pitchford's console mounts are indeed mindbogglingly badass.

Index On Censorship's new issue on "cyberspeech"

January 13, 2008 1:24pm

@takuan, I don't agree that what they're doing is censorship. I do think it's a terribly outdated way of thinking about information distribution.

The magazine seems to be primarily aimed at social good, not profit, per se, but they're relying on what amounts to an elitist, oldfashioned business model.

They're well-meaning people, and they produce a terrific publication. They're not evil, they've just made what amounts to (IMO) a bad decision, and it's all the more unfortunate because of the subject matter in this particular issue.

Perhaps they'll change their policy sometime soon!

Octopus jealously guards his Mr Potato Head toy

January 11, 2008 9:34am


Cell Phone Deep Fry

January 8, 2008 12:01am

Guys, seriously. Don't believe everything you watch on the videonets.

HOWTO make an animatronic lion mask with superpowers

January 8, 2008 2:41pm

@draconum, hobo-enabler, lawl!

(Guatemala) Google is sorry.

January 10, 2008 8:49am

@beanolini, yeah what sucks is that even after the captcha, i'm still blocked! i rebooted the router and tried safari en vez de firefox and got around it, but seriously, screw google.

EDGE Question 2008: What have you changed your mind about?

January 10, 2008 9:44am

Hey, look! Teresa Nielsen Hayden is proving out my hypothesis, right here! Man is she ever rad.

Ape Lad: Hobo Life

January 10, 2008 10:42pm

Hey Biphenyl, looks like we neglected to credit you properly -- my apols! Folks, that cool ditch photo is from http://biphenyl.org.

Monochrom: Campfire At Will

January 16, 2008 12:00am

Ah, schnitzel changed to snosages! Dude, I don't eat that stuff, and i failed to factcheck. My apologies.

Tentacles at Tokyo fish market

January 28, 2008 11:05pm

@5000, You mean the classic title "The Octopus Invades The Vagina And It Hurts"?

The Fail Blog: internet FAIL pix, some old, some new.

January 29, 2008 7:29pm


New Arbitrary TSA requirement: all electronics out of your bag (cables, too)

January 31, 2008 7:21pm

I flew in and out of SFO a few times over the past several weeks, and did not experience this.

Robo goes to a sex expo.

February 1, 2008 12:00am

THanks, licensefarm! THat's kind of what we thought. I've covered a bunch of these things as a journalist, and am a lot less interested in the sales pitches and the "woohoo, the intersection of sex and technology and money," than I am in watching the sponteneous, awkward reactions of a real human being who normally does not frequent such environments.

Robo goes to a sex expo.

February 1, 2008 12:00am

also, splendid!

Fine news

February 3, 2008 5:02am

Congratulations, Cory and Alice! Welcome to earth, Poesy!!!!

I for one welcome our baby overlords.

Text-o-possum / Your Psycho Girlfriend

February 7, 2008 12:28am

@Takuan: yes, it died of ROFLMAO

Rat kings

February 7, 2008 2:20pm

peeples: you can has unicorn chaser.

Text-o-possum / Your Psycho Girlfriend

February 7, 2008 12:28am

@license farm: the dead possum has a thing on its rear leg that projects a keyboard using laser light, it communicates via bluetooth with any compatible PDA or laptop. I tried using it on my iPhone and could not get it to work, but we did set it up with a little iMac and were typing text with it. Crazy, but simple, and yes it works. The possum makes it awesome!

La Pequeña Prohibida

February 8, 2008 8:03am

@oldgreg: crack is a cruel, cruel master.

Throwing away broken electronics (video)

February 11, 2008 1:16pm

This video is PURE AWESOME. Period. Saying it should be something else is like saying chocolate cake should be a tofu salad.

Yoko sues seeks to block trademark of "Lennon" - **UPDATE**

February 12, 2008 4:56pm

@Downpressor: 'cause i fucked up. fixed!

Hamster's Lunch at Coco's in Los Angeles

February 13, 2008 12:35pm


Yoko Ono: No, I'm not suing Lennon Murphy over "Lennon."

February 14, 2008 12:27pm

I've personally communicated my respect and my regret for the lack of clarity to Ms. Ono.

As a wiser blogger/journalist once told me, sometimes speed conspires to make fools of us -- the pressure to crank out lots of posts with other obligations present sometimes leads to sloppiness. I handled the original post in a less than clear way. I will try to do better next time.

She is indeed a gracious lady and a class act, and her subsequent personal email to me on the matter humbled me greatly.

Respect, yo.

History of war through food; Dog impersonates boozy Orson Welles.

February 28, 2008 12:00am

Whatever it is, it represents the USSR.

West Virginia railroad culture: photos by Kevin Scanlon

February 29, 2008 4:35pm

That's really cool, WV peeps! I was conceived in your fair state. My favorite part of West Virginia is Possum Holler, a tiny little burgh nestled between two old mountains, where you can buy cheese and pepperoni slices at Possum Holler Pizza. I used to have a bumper sticker from there, with a little possum offering you a piping hot slice in his little outstretched possum paw.

West Virginia railroad culture: photos by Kevin Scanlon

February 29, 2008 4:35pm

@mattmckeon, i know that area, the monongahela valley! I love this warning about camping in the area -- Civil War leftovers can make you hurty!


[[[Special Notice: Many of the artillery and mortar shells shot into the area for practice still exist here. In 1997, a highly trained crew surveyed the trail locations and known campsites for shells. They found 15, some of which were still live. All were exploded on site. Many more may still exist and are dangerous. Since it is impossible to survey every acre of the wilderness, we ask that you follow the recommendations below for your own safety]]]

West Virginia railroad culture: photos by Kevin Scanlon

February 29, 2008 4:35pm

@ghastlyordeal, I'm basing that observation on IP logs, not snobbery!

Dr. Steve Brule

March 2, 2008 1:12pm

Arguing about what's funny or not on the internet makes about as much sense as arguing what kind of wine tastes best. Sweetberrywine, or peanut nor?

S.P.A.M. Theater

March 3, 2008 12:00am

@anonymous #3, i thought the verizon ad was really well done and funny, actually. I LOLled, and that's saying something, because i have to look at the ad every time i view a published episode, which is, like, a lot.

Plus, and this is not shilling, but -- have you tried the thing they're promoting, FIOS? A couple of the guys in the studio where we produce BBtv have this at home (it's not available where I live), and it's -- well, it's AWESOME. Super super fast broadband. If Bay was hawking some retarded product, I'd give you a few points, but he's engaging in self-deprecating humor for a killer service that does what it says it does, so I'm happy to see this sponsorship run on BBtv.

Call me when you see us run Halliburton spots featuring Dick Cheney, then we'll talk.

West Virginia railroad culture: photos by Kevin Scanlon

February 29, 2008 4:35pm

(waves hi!!!)

ETech phone snapshot: Anil Dash's trusted traveler card

March 5, 2008 12:27pm

I don't think that's how it works, Marisa. You have to submit to retinal scans and other biometric stuff, so no, the system operates in a way so folks who share your last name would not be waved through.